Saturday, March 30, 2013

Around Here

I know it's been a long time (7 months... oops), but aren't we supposed to be busy living our lives instead of posting about them?  That's what I'll tell myself ;)

Some of the goings-on since I last posted:

Chris and I, and our friend Drew, participated in the Color Run.  It was a blast, even though I ended up with PINK hair.

I performed as a parent in Tuscaloosa Community Dancers' performance of "The Nutcracker."

Onstage at dress rehearsal
With sweet Abbey and Katie backstage
I played the lush, Margaret, in the Actor's Charitable Theatre's production of "9 to 5." And my friend Mary Lane and I choreographed the show as well.  See the review here.

With Daeon after the show, "sober"
I dyed my hair brown for the show, but I decided to keep it!

Looking a little more "natural"
My friend Victoria and I started planning our trip to Europe!  We are going in August.  Victoria has a friend who is getting married in Vienna, so we'll go there first, then we're going to Italy to visit our friend Jamie (whose little girl, Lorelei, is due any day now!).  Check out Jamie's Blog here. While in Italy we plan to visit Venice and some of the other small towns near Jamie's home.  We're going to spend the weekend in Budapest, Hungary, before heading back home.  I am SO excited to take my first trip to Europe, and I can't wait to meet baby Lorelei!

Chris is right in the middle of tax season, and it looks like he's set to far surpass last year's billable hours.

Other than all that, we're just enjoying being boring!

Jill :*